API 5CT SMLS CASING PIPE K55-N80 Featured duab

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Qhov zoo:
1. 100% tom qab-muag zoo thiab kom muaj nuj nqis.
2. Tus kws tshaj lij kev muag khoom teb sai sai hauv 24 teev.
3. Cov Tshuag loj rau qhov ntau thiab tsawg.
4. Cov qauv dawb 20cm siab zoo.
5. Muaj zog tsim muaj peev xwm thiab peev nyiaj txaus.

  • Txheem:API 5L, ASTM, API 5CT, ASTM A106, ASTM A53
  • Thickness:0.5-60 hli
  • Sab nraud txoj kab uas hla:10.3-2032 hli
  • Daim ntawv thov:OIL PIPE lossis lwm yam kev lag luam
  • Ntawv pov thawj:API 5L, API 5CT
  • Cov yeeb nkab tshwj xeeb:API Tube
  • Kev kam rau siab:± 10% raws li xav tau
  • Kev Pabcuam:Vuam, Txiav
  • Qhov zoo:Kev ua haujlwm siab
  • Qib:Gr.A,Gr.B,Gr.C,X42,X52,X60,X65,X70
  • Seem Tshooj:Hloov
  • Qhov Chaw Keeb Kwm:Tianjin Tuam Tshoj
  • Cov txheej txheem:Kub Rolled
  • Kev kho deg:Dub painting
  • Alloy los tsis::Tsis-Alloy
  • Secondary los tsis:Tsis-secondary
  • Txoj kev them nyiaj:TT / LC
  • Ntev:5.8m, 6m, 11.8m, 12m lossis raws li xav tau
  • Kev xa khoom:7-30 hnub
  • Product Detail




    Khoom cim npe

    Raws li American Petroleum Institute Standard API SPEC 5CT1988 1st edition, steel qib API 5CT roj casing yeeb nkab yuav muab faib ua kaum hom, xws li H-40, J-55, K-55, N-80, C-75, L -80, C-90, C-95, P-110 thiab Q-125. Peb muab cov yeeb nkab casing & API 5CT K55 Casing Tubing nrog cov xov thiab txuas, lossis peb muab peb cov khoom raws li cov ntaub ntawv hauv qab no rau kev xaiv.

    If you are interested in API 5CT K55 Casing Tubing, we will supply you with the best price based on the highest quality, welcome everyone to cantact us,E-mail:sales@ytdrgg.com,and Remote factory inspection or factory visit


    API 5CT K55 Casing Tubing Specifications

    OD 10.3mm-2032mm
    Cov qauv API 5CT, API 5L, ASTM A53, ASTM A106
    Ntev Ntau 3-12M lossis raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau
    Steel Qib (Casing Qib, Tubing Qib) Gr.A,Gr.B,Gr.C,X42,X52,X60,X65,X70
    Hom Screw Xov Tsis chim siab threaded kawg (NUE), Sab nraud chim threaded kawg (EUE)
    Tshwj xeeb
    • Txheej rau cov neeg siv khoom specifications
    • Sab nraud chim siab
    • Couplings - EUE, AB Modified, muab tso tseg, tshwj xeeb clearance couplings
    • Pup Joints
    • Kev kho cua sov
    • Kev Ntsuas Hydrostatic
    • Drifting (tag nrho-ntev, lossis tsuas yog xaus)
    • Tag nrho cov neeg tuaj xyuas peb lub peev xwm (EMI, SEA, thiab Weld Line)
    • Xov
    Xaus Xaus External Upset Ends (EUE), Flush Joint, PH6 (thiab sib npaug sib txuas), Integral Joint (IJ)


    API 5CT K55 Casing Tubing Tensile & Hardness Requirement

    Pab pawg Qib Hom Tag nrho elongation nyob rau hauv load% Yield zog MPa Tensile zog min. MPa Hardness thiab max. Specification phab ntsa thickness mm Tso cai hardness variation b HRC
    min. max. HRC HBW
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    552 ib
    414 ib
    379 ib
    552 ib
    517 ib
    k55 ua
    379 ib
    552 ib
    552 ib
    758 ib
    689 ib
    552 ib
    758 ib
    689 ib
    758 ib
    724 ib
    448 ib
    586 ib
    586 ib
    l80 ua
    552 ib
    l80 ua
    9 cr ua
    552 ib
    l80 ua
    13 Cr
    552 ib
    621 ib
    724 ib
    689 ib
    25.4 ib
    ≤ 12.70 12.71 txog 19.04 19.05 txog 25.39 ≥ 25.40
    3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
    758 ib
    724 ib
    25.4 ib
    ≤ 12.70 12.71 txog 19.04 19.05 txog 25.39 ≥ 25.40
    3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
    758 ib
    828 ib
    793 ib
    ≤ 12.70 12.71 txog 19.04 19.05 txog 25.39. ≥ 25.40 Nws
    3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
    758 ib
    965 ib
    862 ib
    q125 ua
    0.65 ib
    862 ib
    1034 ib
    931 ib
    ≤ 12.70 12.71 txog 19.04 ≥ 19.05
    3.0 4.0 5.0
    aNyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv ntawm kev tsis sib haum xeeb, lub chaw kuaj Rockwell C hardness test yuav tsum tau siv raws li tus referee txoj kev.
    bTsis muaj kev txwv hardness tau teev tseg, tab sis qhov kev hloov pauv siab tshaj plaws yog txwv raws li 7.8 thiab 7.9 ntawm API Spec. 5CT ua.


    K55 Casing Tubing Dimensions

    Pipe Casing Sizes, Oilfield Casing Sizes & Casing Drift Sizes
    Sab nraud Diameter (Casing Pipe Size) 4 1/2 "-20", (114.3-508mm)
    Standard Casing Sizes 4 1/2 "-20", (114.3-508mm)
    Xov Hom Buttress xov casing, Ntev round xov casing, Short round xov casing
    Muaj nuj nqi Nws tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov yeeb nkab yeeb nkab.

    Roj Tube Rau Petroleum Thiab Natural Gas Industries

    Lub npe Pipes Specification Qib Steel Txuj
    D (S) (L)
    (mm) (mm) (m)
    Petroleum Casing Pipe 127-508 : kuv 5.21-16.66 Nws 6-12 J55. M55.k55 ua.
    l80 ua. N80. P110.
    API Spec 5CT (8)
    Petroleum Tubing 26.7-114.3 Nws 2.87-16.00 Nws 6-12 J55. M55. k55 ua.
    l80 ua. N80. P110.
    API Spec 5CT (8)
    Kev sib txuas 127-533.4 12.5-15.00 Nws 6-12 J55. M55. k55 ua.
    l80 ua. N80. P110.
    API Spec 5CT (8)


    API 5CT K55 Casing Tubing Nta

    • API 5CT K55 Casing Tubing muaj qhov ntev ntev ntawm 8m txog 13m raws li SY/T6194-96 tus qauv. Txawm li cas los xij, nws kuj tseem muaj tsis pub tsawg dua 6m ntev thiab nws qhov ntau yuav tsum tsis pub tshaj 20%.
    • Deformations uas tau hais los saum toj no tsis tso cai rau tshwm rau sab nrauv ntawm API 5CT K55 Casing Tubing txuas.
    • Txhua yam deformation xws li cov plaub hau, sib cais, crease, tawg los yog scab yog tsis tsim nyog rau ob sab hauv thiab sab nrauv ntawm cov khoom. Tag nrho cov teeb meem no yuav tsum tau muab tshem tawm tag nrho thiab qhov tob tshem tawm yuav tsum tsis pub tshaj 12.5% ​​ntawm nominal phab ntsa thickness.
    • Qhov saum npoo ntawm cov xov ntawm kev sib txuas thiab API 5CT K55 Casing Tubing yuav tsum du yam tsis muaj burr, tsim kua muag lossis lwm yam tsis xws luag uas yuav muaj kev cuam tshuam tsis zoo rau lub zog thiab kev sib raug zoo.


    Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau cov neeg ua haujlwm roj thiab roj los tiv thaiv lawv cov khoom zoo los ntawm kev xeb nrog kev tiv thaiv cathodic & API 5CT OilField Tubing feem ntau ua haujlwm hloov roj thiab roj.


    API 5CT Qib K55 Casing Tubing Hlau Xim Code

    Lub npe J55 k55 ua N80-1 N80-Q L80-1 P110
    Casing ib tug kaj ntsuab band ob lub ntsej muag ntsuab ib pob liab liab paj liab liab + paj ntsuab paj liab + paj liab ib tug kaj dawb band
    Kev sib txuas tag nrho ntsuab coupling + ib tug dawb band tag nrho ntsuab coupling tag nrho liab coupling tag nrho liab coupling + ib tug ntsuab band tag nrho liab coupling + ib tug xim av band tag nrho dawb coupling


    ISO / API casing / API 5CT K55 Casing Tubing specifications

    Codea Sab nraud Dia Nominal hnyav
    (nrog xov tooj thiab
    kev sib txuas) b, c
    Phab ntsa Thickness End ua hom
    mm kg/m mm H40 J55 M65 l80 ua N801 c90d ua P110 qw 125d
    In Lb/ft k55 ua C95 N80 qw t95d ua
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
    4-1-2 9.5 ib 114.3 ib 14.14 Nws 5.21 ib S S S - - - - -
    4-1-2 10.5 114.3 ib 15.63 Nws 5.69 ib - SB SB - - - - -
    4-1-2 11.6 114.3 ib 17.26 Nws 6.35 Nws - SLB - LB LB - LB -
    4-1-2 13.5 Nws 114.3 ib 20.09 Nws 7.37 ib - - LB - LB - - -
    4-1-2 15.1 114.3 ib 22.47 Nws 8.56 ib - - - - - - LB LB
    5 11.5 127 17.11 Nws 5.59 ib - S S - - - - -
    5 13 127 19.35 Nws 6.43 ib - SLB SLB - - - - -
    5 15 127 22.32 Nws 7.52 ib - SLB LB - - - LB -
    5 18 127 26.79 Nws 9.19 ib - - LB - LB - - LB
    5 21.4 ib 127 31.85 Nws 11.1 - - LB - LB - - LB
    5 23.2 127 34.53 Nws 12.14 Nws - - - LB - - - LB
    5 24.1 127 35.86 ib 12.7 ib - - - LB - - - LB
    5-1-2 14 139.7 ib 20.83 Nws 6.2 S S S - - - - -
    5-1-2 15.5 ib 139.7 ib 23.07 Nws 6.98 ib - SLB SLB - - - - -
    5-1-2 17 139.7 ib 25.3 7.72 ib - SLB LB - - LB - -
    5-1-2 20 139.7 ib 29.76 Nws 9.17 ib - - LB - LB - - -
    5-1-2 23 139.7 ib 34.23 Nws 10.54 Nws - - - LB - LB - -
    6-5-8 20 168.28 Nws 29.76 Nws 7.32 ib S SLB SLB - - - - -
    6-5-8 24 168.28 Nws 35.72 ib 8.94 ib - SLB LB - - LB - -
    6-5-8 28 168.28 Nws 41.67 ib 10.59 Nws - - - - LB - LB -
    6-5-8 32 168.28 Nws 47.62 ib 12.06 Nws - - - LB LB
    7 17 177.8 ib 25.3 5.87 ib S - - - - - - -
    7 20 177.8 ib 29.76 Nws 6.91 ib S S S - - - - -
    7 23 177.8 ib 34.23 Nws 8.05 Nws - SLB LB LB - -
    7 26 177.8 ib 38.69 ib 9.19 ib - SLB LB LB -
    7 29 177.8 ib 43.16 Nws 10.36 Nws - - LB LB -
    7 32 177.8 ib 47.62 ib 11.51 Nws - - LB LB LB -
    7 35 177.8 ib 52.09 Nws 12.65 Nws - - - LB LB LB
    7-5-8 24 193.68 Nws 35.72 ib 7.62 ib S - - - - - - -
    7-5-8 26.4 ib 193.68 Nws 39.29 Nws 8.33 ib - SLB LB LB -
    7-5-8 29.7 ib 193.68 Nws 44.2 ib 9.52 ib - - LB LB -
    7-5-8 33.7 ib 193.68 Nws 50.15 Nws 10.92 Nws - - LB LB -
    7-5-8 39 193.68 Nws 58.04 ib 12.7 ib - - - LB LB
    7-5-8 42.8 ib 193.68 Nws 63.69 ib 14.27 Nws - - - LB LB LB
    7-5-8 45.3 ib 193.68 Nws 67.41 ib 15.11 Nws - - - LB LB LB
    7-5-8 47.1 ib 193.68 Nws 70.09 ib 15.88 Nws - - - LB LB LB
    8-5-8 24 219.08 Nws 35.72 ib 6.71 ib - S S - - - - -
    8-5-8 28 219.08 Nws 41.67 ib 7.72 ib S - S - - - - -
    8-5-8 32 219.08 Nws 47.62 ib 8.94 ib S SLB SLB - - - - -
    8-5-8 36 219.08 Nws 53.57 ib 10.16 Nws - SLB SLB LB LB -
    8-5-8 40 219.08 Nws 59.53 ib 11.43 Nws - - LB LB -
    8-5-8 44 219.08 Nws 65.48 ib 12.7 ib - - - LB LB
    8-5-8 49 219.08 Nws 72.92 ib 14.15 Nws - - - LB LB LB


    API 5CT Casing yeeb nkab Codea API 5CT Casing yeeb nkab Sab nraud txoj kab uas hla API 5CT Casing yeeb nkab Nominal hnyav
    (nrog xov
    thiab coupling) b, c
    API 5CT Casing yeeb nkab phab ntsa thickness API 5CT Casing yeeb nkab kawg ua hom
    mm kg/m mm H40 J55 M65 l80 ua N80 c90d ua P110 qw 125d
    In Lb/ft k55 ua C95 1 ,qw t95d ua
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
    9-5-8 32.3 244.48 Nws 48.07 Nws 7.92 ib S - - - - - - -
    9-5-8 36 244.48 Nws 53.57 ib 8.94 ib S SLB SLB - - - - -
    9-5-8 40 244.48 Nws 59.53 ib 10.03 Nws - SLB SLB LB LB LB - -
    9-5-8 43.5 ib 244.48 Nws 64.73 ib 11.05 Nws - - LB LB LB LB LB -
    9-5-8 47 244.48 Nws 69.94 ib 11.99 Nws - - LB LB LB LB LB LB
    9-5-8 53.5 ib 244.48 Nws 79.62 ib 13.84 Nws - - - LB LB LB LB LB
    9-5-8 58.4 ib 244.48 Nws 86.91 ib 15.11 Nws - - - LB LB LB LB LB
    10-3-4 ib 32.75 Nws 273.05 Nws 48.74 ib 7.09 ib S - - - - - - -
    10-3-4 ib 40.5 ib 273.05 Nws 60.27 Nws 8.89 ib S SB SB - - - - -
    10-3-4 ib 45.5 ib 273.05 Nws 67.71 ib 10.16 Nws - SB SB - - - - -
    10-3-4 ib 51 273.05 Nws 75.9 ua 11.43 Nws - SB SB SB SB SB SB -
    10-3-4 ib 55.5 ib 273.05 Nws 82.59 ib 12.57 Nws - - SB SB SB SB SB -
    10-3-4 ib 60.7 ua 273.05 Nws 90.33 ib 13.84 Nws - - - - - SB SB SB
    10-3-4 ib 65.7 ib 273.05 Nws 97.77 ib 15.11 Nws - - - - - SB SB SB
    11-3-4 42 298.45 Nws 62.5 ib 8.46 ib S - - - - - - -
    11-3-4 47 298.45 Nws 69.94 ib 9.53 ib - SB SB - - - - -
    11-3-4 54 298.45 Nws 80.36 ib 11.05 Nws - SB SB - - - - -
    11-3-4 60 298.45 Nws 89.29 ib 12.42 Nws - SB SB SB SB SB SB SB
    13-3-8 48 339.72 ib 71.43 ib 8.38 ib S - - - - - - -
    13-3-8 54.5 ib 339.72 ib 81.1 ib 9.65 ib - SB SB - - - - -
    13-3-8 61 339.72 ib 90.78 ib 10.92 Nws - SB SB - - - - -
    13-3-8 68 339.72 ib 101.19 Nws 12.19 Nws - SB SB SB SB SB SB -
    13-3-8 72 339.72 ib 107.15 Nws 13.06 Nws - - - SB SB SB SB SB
    16 65 406.4 ib 96.73 ib 9.53 ib S - - - - - - -
    16 75 406.4 ib 111.61 Nws 11.13 Nws - SB SB - - - - -
    16 84 406.4 ib 125.01 Nws 12.57 Nws - SB SB - - - - -
    18-5-8 87.5 ib 473.08 ib 130.21 Nws 11.05 Nws S SB SB - - - - -
    20 94 508 139.89 Nws 11.13 Nws SL SLB SLB - - - - -
    20 106.5 ib 508 158.49 Nws 12.7 ib - SLB SLB - - - - -
    20 133 508 197.93 ib 16.13 Nws - SLB - - - - - -
    S-Short round xov, L-ntev round xov, B-Buttress xov
    ib. Code yog siv rau kev txiav txim siv.
    b. Qhov hnyav nominal ntawm threaded thiab coupling casing (kem 2) yog qhia rau siv xwb.
    c. Martensitic chromium steel (L80 9Cr thiab 13Cr) txawv ntawm cov hlau hauv qhov ntom ntom. Qhov qhia qhov hnyav ntawm martensitic chromium hlau tsis yog tus nqi tseeb. Qhov loj kho qhov tseem ceeb 0.989 tuaj yeem siv tau.
    d. C90, T95 thiab Q125 steel qib casing yuav tsum tau muab raws li specification, hnyav thiab phab ntsa thickness teev nyob rau hauv lub saum toj rooj los yog kev txiav txim.


    API 5CT K55 Tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg

    Pab pawg Qib Hom C Mn Mo Cr Nim max. Cu max. P max. S max. Si max.
    min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max.
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    1 H40 - - - - - - - - - - - 0.03 ib 0.03 ib -
    J55 - - - - - - - - - - - 0.03 ib 0.03 ib -
    k55 ua - - - - - - - - - - - 0.03 ib 0.03 ib -
    N80 1 - - - - - - - - - - 0.03 ib 0.03 ib -
    N80 Q - - - - - - - - - - 0.03 ib 0.03 ib -
    R95 - - 0,45c ua - 1.9 - - - - - - 0.03 ib 0.03 ib 0.45 ib
    2 M65 - - - - - - - - - - - 0.03 ib 0.03 ib -
    l80 ua 1 - 0,43a ua - 1.9 - - - - 0.25 0.35 Nws 0.03 ib 0.03 ib 0.45 ib
    l80 ua 9 cr ua - 0.15 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.1 8 10 0.5 0.25 0.02 ib 0.01 ib 1
    l80 ua 13 Cr 0.15 0.22 0.25 1 - - 12 14 0.5 0.25 0.02 ib 0.01 ib 1
    C90 1 - 0.35 Nws - 1.2 0 ,25b 0.85 ib - 1.5 0.99 ib - 0.02 ib 0.01 ib -
    T95 1 - 0.35 Nws - 1.2 0,25d ua 0.85 ib 0.4 1.5 0.99 ib - 0.02 ib 0.01 ib -
    C110 - - 0.35 Nws - 1.2 0.25 1 0.4 1.5 0.99 ib - 0.02 ib 0.005 ib -
    3 P110 e - - - - - - - - - - 0.030 e 0.030 e -
    4 q125 ua 1 - 0.35 Nws 1.35 Nws - 0.85 ib - 1.5 0.99 ib - 0.02 ib 0.01 ib -
    a Cov ntsiab lus carbon rau L80 yuav nce mus txog 0.50% siab tshaj yog tias cov khoom yog roj-quenched.
    b Cov ntsiab lus molybdenum rau Qib C90 Hom 1 tsis muaj qhov kam rau ua yam tsawg kawg nkaus yog tias phab ntsa thickness tsawg dua 17.78 hli.
    c Cov ntsiab lus carbon rau R95 yuav nce mus txog 0.55% siab tshaj yog tias cov khoom yog roj-quenched.
    d Cov ntsiab lus molybdenum rau T95 Hom 1 yuav raug txo kom tsawg li 0.15% yog tias phab ntsa thickness tsawg dua 17.78 hli.
    e Rau EW Qib P110, cov ntsiab lus phosphorus yuav tsum yog 0.020% siab tshaj plaws thiab cov ntsiab lus sulfur 0.010% siab tshaj.
    NL = no limit. Cov ntsiab lus qhia yuav tsum tau qhia hauv kev tshuaj xyuas cov khoom.


    API 5CT K55 Gr. Mechanical Properties

    API 5CT Casing Standard Hom API 5CT Casing Tensile Strength
    API 5CT Casing Yield zog
    API 5CT Casing Hardness
    API SPEC 5CT UAS J55 ≥517 379-552 : kuv ----
    k55 ua ≥517 ≥655 ---
    N80 ≥689 552-758 ib ---
    L80 (13Cr) ≥655 552-655 ib ≤ 241 HB
    P110 ≥862 758 ~ 965 ib ----

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Lub tuam txhab muab qhov tseem ceeb rau qhov zoo ntawm cov khoom, nqis peev ntau hauv kev qhia txog cov cuab yeej siv siab heev thiab cov kws tshaj lij, thiab tawm mus ua kom tau raws li qhov xav tau ntawm cov neeg siv khoom hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws.
    Cov ntsiab lus tuaj yeem faib ua roughly faib rau hauv: tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg, yield zog, tensile zog, tej yam khoom, thiab lwm yam
    Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, lub tuam txhab tseem tuaj yeem ua tiav kev tshawb nrhiav qhov tsis zoo hauv online thiab annealing thiab lwm yam kev kho cua sov raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau.



    Tianjin YuantaiDerun Steel Tube Manufacturing Group Co., Ltd.yog steel yeeb nkab Hoobkas tau ntawv pov thawj los ntawmEN/ASTM/ JIStshwj xeeb hauv kev tsim thiab xa tawm txhua yam ntawm cov yeeb nkab square, galvanized yeeb nkab, ERW welded yeeb nkab, kauv yeeb nkab, submerged arc welded yeeb nkab, ncaj seam yeeb nkab, seamless yeeb nkab, xim coated steel kauj, galvanized steel kauj thiab lwm yam steel khoom. Kev thauj mus los yooj yim, nws yog 190 mais deb ntawm Beijing Capital International Airport thiab 80 mais deb ntawm Tianjin Xingang.

    Whatsapp: +8613682051821

    Xa koj cov lus rau peb:

    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb
    Write your message here and send it to us