Kub dip galvanized square yeeb nkab rau cov chaw loj

Kub dip galvanized square yeeb nkab rau loj venues Featured duab

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Qhov zoo:
1. 100% tom qab-muag zoo thiab kom muaj nuj nqis.
2. Tus kws tshaj lij kev muag khoom teb sai sai hauv 24 teev.
3. Cov Tshuag loj rau qhov ntau thiab tsawg.
4. Cov qauv dawb 20cm siab zoo.
5. Muaj zog tsim muaj peev xwm thiab peev nyiaj txaus.

  • OD (sab nraud txoj kab uas hla):10 * 10-1000 * 1000 hli square: 10 * 15 800 * 1100mm
  • Thickness:0.5-60 hli
  • Seem Tshooj:Square los yog rectangular
  • Qhov Chaw Keeb Kwm:Tianjin, Suav
  • Daim ntawv thov:Hom qauv lossis kev thauj mus los ua kua
  • Cov txheej txheem:ERW, LSAW, SEAMLESS
  • Ntawv pov thawj:CE, LEED, BV, PHD & EPD, BC1, EN10210, EN10219, ISO9000, ASTMA500, ASTM A501, AS1163, JIS G3466
  • Kev kho deg:galvanized los yog dub los yog customized
  • Cov yeeb nkab tshwj xeeb:Thick phab ntsa yeeb nkab
  • Kev kam rau siab:raws li xav tau
  • Hom Tshuaj:YUANTAI DERUN
  • Ntev:3-12M raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau
  • Qauv:Hollow seem: ASTM A500, ASTM A501, EN10219, EN10210, JIS G3466, GB / T6728, GB / T3094, GB / T3091
  • Khoom siv:Gr.A, GrB, GrC, S275J0H, S355JR, S355J0H, S355J2H, A36, SS400, Q195, Q235, Q345
  • MOQ:2-5 Tons
  • Ntim:Cov neeg siv khoom xav tau
  • Lub sij hawm xa tuaj:7-30 Hnub
  • Txoj kev them nyiaj:TT / LC
  • Product Detail




    Khoom cim npe

    With ib xyoo tso zis ntawm 5 lab tons, Yuantai Derun yog qhov loj tshaj plaws ERW square yeeb nkab, cov yeeb nkab square, hollow yeeb nkab, galvanized yeeb nkab thiab kauv welded yeeb nkab chaw tsim tshuaj paus nyob rau hauv Suav teb. Kev muag khoom txhua xyoo mus txog $ 15 billion. Yuantai Derun muaj 59 dub ERW yeeb nkab ntau lawm kab, 10 galvanized yeeb nkab ntau lawm kab thiab 3 kauv welded yeeb nkab ntau lawm kab. Square yeeb nkab 20 * 20 * 1mm mus rau 500 * 500 * 40MM, lub kaum sab xis steel yeeb nkab 20 * 30 * 1.2mm txog 400 * 600 * 40MM, kauv yeeb nkab Ø 219-1420mm tuaj yeem ua los ntawm cov qib steel ntawm Q (s) 195 rau Q (s) 345B / gr.a-gr.d. Yuantai Derun tuaj yeem tsim cov raj square square raws li ASTM A500, JIS g3466, en10219, din2240 thiab as1163. Yuantai Derun muaj qhov loj tshaj plaws square square raj hauv Suav teb, uas tuaj yeem ua tau raws li kev yuav khoom ncaj qha ntawm cov neeg siv khoom. Zoo siab txais tos txhua tus tuaj yeem tiv tauj Yuantai Derun, E-mail:sales@ytdrgg.com, thiab Real-time kev twb kev txuas tshuaj xyuas cog los yog Hoobkas mus ntsib!

    square thiab rectangular hollow seem Unit:mm
    Tsis yog tus qauv loj standard loj tuab tsis yog tus qauv loj standard loj tuab
        1.0     1.5
        1.2     1.7
        1.3 40 * 135 hli 50 * 150 2.0
    19 * 19 20 * 20 1.4 50 * 140 60 * 140 hli 2.2
        1.5 60 * 130 hli 80 * 120 hli 2.5-5.0 Nws
    153   1.7 75 * 125 hli 100 * 100 hli 5.25-6.0 Nws
        2.0     6.5-9.75 Nws
        1.0 395 ib   11.5-16.5 Nws
        1.2 50 * 160   2.5
        1.3 60 * 150 hli 60 * 160 hli 2.75 ib
      25 * 25 1.4 60 * 180 hli 80 * 140 hli 3.0 ~ 4.0
        1.5 65 * 180 hli 80 * 160 hli 4.25-4.75 Nws
    153 20 * 30 1.7 70 * 150 hli 100 * 150 hli 5.25-6.0 Nws
      1.8 90 * 150 hli 120 * 120 hli 6.5-7.75 Nws
      2.0 90 * 160 hli 110 * 110 hli 9.5-9.75 Nws
      2.2 100 * 120 hli 120 * 180 hli 10.5-11.75 dr hab
        2.5-3.0 Nws 100 * 125 hli 125 * 125 hli 12.5-15.75 Nws
        1.0 100 * 140 hli 470 ib 16 ~ 30 Nws
      20 * 40 1.2 60 * 170 hli 75 * 150 hli 2.5
    20 * 50 1.3 70 * 160 hli70 * 200 hli 100 * 200 hli 2.75 ib
    25 * 40 1.4 80 * 150 hli 140 * 140 hli 3.0-5.75 Nws
    32 * 32   1.5 80 * 180 hli 150 * 150 hli 7.5-9.75 Nws
    30 * 30 1.7 127 * 127 hli 130 * 130 hli 10.5-11.75 dr hab
    35 * 35 1.8   570 ib 12.5-15.0 Nws
    30 * 40 2.0 60 * 200 hli 100 * 250 hli 2.5
         2.2 60 * 220 hli 160 * 160 hli 2.75-3.25 Nws
      2.5-3.0 Nws 80 * 200 hli 180 * 180 hli 3.5 ~ 5.0
    232 3.5-3.75 Nws 80 * 220 hli 140 * 180 hli 5.25-7.75 Nws
      1.2 100 * 180 hli 150 * 170 hli 9.5-11.75 Nws
    1.3 120 * 160 hli 150 * 180 hli 12.5-15.75 Nws
      1.4 120 * 200 hli 150 * 200 hli 16 ~ 30 Nws
    20 * 60 25 * 50 1.5 100 * 350 hli   2.75 ib
    20 * 80 30 * 50 1.7 125 * 250   3.0-3.25 Nws
    25 * 65 30 * 60 1.8 130 * 250 hli 100 * 300 hli 3.5-9.75 Nws
    30 * 70 40 * 40 2.0 135 * 135 hli 150 * 250 hli 11.5-11.75 dr hab
    35 * 60 40 * 50 2.2 140 * 240 hli 200 * 200 hli 12.5-14.75 Nws
    38 * 38 40 * 60 2.5-4.0 Nws 150 * 220 hli 200 * 250 hli 15.5-15.75 Nws
    45 * 45 50 * 50 4.25-5.0 Nws 225 * 225 hli 770 ib 16 ~ 30 Nws
    5.25-5.75 Nws 100 * 400 hli 150 * 300 hli 3.5 ~ 4.0
    153   5.75-6.0 Nws 130 * 300 hli 200 * 300 hli 4.5-7.75 Nws
    1.3 150 * 350 hli 250 * 250 hli 9.5-11.75 Nws
      1.4 200 * 280 hli 180 * 300 hli 12.5-14.75 Nws
    30 * 100 40 * 80 1.5 220 * 220 hli 1010 15.5-17.75 dr hab
    40 * 70 40 * 100 hli 1.7 200 * 350 hli 200 * 400 hli 4.75–11.75 dr hab
    40 * 90 50 * 70 1.8 250 * 350 hli 250 * 300 hli 12.5-14.75 Nws
    50 * 60 50 * 80 2.0   300 * 300 hli 15.5-17.75 dr hab
    50 * 75 hli 60 * 60 2.2   200 * 500 hli 4.75–11.75 dr hab
    50 * 90 60 * 80 2.5-4.0 Nws 300 * 320 hli 250 * 450 hli 12.5-14.75 Nws
    55 * 55 70 * 70 4.25-5.0 Nws 300 * 350 hli 300 * 400 hli 15.5-17.75 dr hab
    65 * 65   5.25-5.75 Nws   350 * 350 hli 18 ~ 30 Nws
    232 5.75-6.0 Nws 200 * 450 hli 200 * 600 hli 4.5-5.75 Nws
      1.3 250 * 400 hli 280 * 280 hli 6.5-11.75 Nws
    40 * 120 50 * 100 hli 1.5 250 * 500 hli 300 * 500 hli 12.5-14.75 Nws
    40 * 140 hli 60 * 90 1.7 300 * 450 hli 350 * 400 hli 15.5-17.75 dr hab
    50 * 110 60 * 100 hli 1.8   400 * 400 hli 18 ~ 30 Nws
    50 * 120 60 * 120 hli 2.0 300 * 650 hli 300 * 600 hli 4.5-7.75 Nws
    50 * 125 hli 75 * 75 2.2   400 * 500 hli 9.5-9.75 Nws
    70 * 100 hli 80 * 80 2.5-4.0 Nws 300 * 700 hli 400 * 600 hli 11.5–13.75 dr hab
    85 * 85 80 * 100 hli 4.25-5.0 Nws   450 * 450 hli 14.5-15.75 Nws
      90 * 90 5.25-5.75 Nws 320 * 320 hli 500 * 500 hli 16.5–17.75 dr hab
    312 7.5-9.75 Nws     18 ~ 30 Nws
    1300 * 1300 hli 70 ~ 80
    Qhov ntev, dav thiab thickness ntawm lwm yam specifications yuav customized




    ntau lawm-tshuab-1


    Cov duab kos duab

    Cov phooj ywg ua haujlwm ci thiab cua sov hauv cov ncej sib txawv, sib ntaus sib tua saum ntuj ceeb tsheej thiab lub ntiaj teb

    Kauv welded steel yeeb nkab-9

    Hauv Yuantai lub rooj cob qhia, Kev sib deev tsis muaj zog tsis muaj qis dua rau tus txiv neej.

    Black Hollow Section HWS 19 19-500 500

    Kev tsis sib haum xeeb tau ua tiav ib qho kev sib tw ntawm ib qeb

    Cov duab_20210602114928-1

    Lub sij hawm hloov tau txhua yam, tab sis lub sij hawm yuav tsis hloov txhua yam, piv txwv li, lub siab pib



    Kev xa khoom thiab LOGISTICS

    Packing & Delivery-1

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Lub tuam txhab muab qhov tseem ceeb rau qhov zoo ntawm cov khoom, nqis peev ntau hauv kev qhia txog cov cuab yeej siv siab heev thiab cov kws tshaj lij, thiab tawm mus ua kom tau raws li qhov xav tau ntawm cov neeg siv khoom hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws.
    Cov ntsiab lus tuaj yeem faib ua roughly faib rau hauv: tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg, yield zog, tensile zog, tej yam khoom, thiab lwm yam
    Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, lub tuam txhab tseem tuaj yeem ua tiav kev tshawb nrhiav qhov tsis zoo hauv online thiab annealing thiab lwm yam kev kho cua sov raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau.



    Tianjin YuantaiDerun Steel Tube Manufacturing Group Co., Ltd.yog steel yeeb nkab Hoobkas tau ntawv pov thawj los ntawmEN/ASTM/ JIStshwj xeeb hauv kev tsim thiab xa tawm txhua yam ntawm cov yeeb nkab square, galvanized yeeb nkab, ERW welded yeeb nkab, kauv yeeb nkab, submerged arc welded yeeb nkab, ncaj seam yeeb nkab, seamless yeeb nkab, xim coated steel kauj, galvanized steel kauj thiab lwm yam steel khoom. Kev thauj mus los yooj yim, nws yog 190 mais deb ntawm Beijing Capital International Airport thiab 80 mais deb ntawm Tianjin Xingang.

    Whatsapp: +8613682051821

    Xa koj cov lus rau peb:

    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb
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