The golden tiger sends off the Spring Festival, and the start is auspicious. On the eighth day of the lunar new year, we work hard, gather people's strength, work hard and start a new journey. Today is the first day of construction. Yuantaiderun is currently the largest square tube manufacturer in China. At the same time, it can also supply ERW steel pipe, hot-dip galvanized steel pipe, LSAW steel pipe, spiral welded pipe, etc. you are welcome to consult and leave a message. E-mail: ,whatsapp:008613682051821.
kauntungan kita:
•1. 100% jaminan kualitas lan kuantitas sawise dodolan.
•2. Manajer penjualan profesional kanthi cepet mangsuli sajrone 24 jam.
•3. Stok gedhe kanggo ukuran biasa.
•4. Sampel gratis kualitas dhuwur 20cm.
•5. Kapabilitas produksi sing kuwat lan aliran modal.
• 6. pesenan cilik ditampa.
• 7.Brand jeneng bahan baku
• OEM utawa ODM
• 9,20 taun pengalaman Manufaktur
•10. Bisa nggawe pipa baja saka macem-macem proyek lan standar ing saindenging jagad
• 11.Yuantai nduweni stok ngadeg luwih saka 200000 ton, lan spesifikasi kiriman taunan yaiku:
Φ 219— Φ 1420 mm,
• 12.Ireng, hot-dip galvanis rectangular pipe lan spiral gandheng pipe digawe saka q195-q460 duwe kapasitas ana saklawasé 5 yuta ton,
Sawise rampung pangkalan anyar ing Tangshan, kapasitas produksi total bakal tekan 10 yuta ton.
Wektu kirim: Feb-08-2022